Ecodesign is EU legislation aimed at lowering emissions and improving air quality and is due to come into force for wood burning stoves in the UK in 2022. Manufacturers in the Stove Industry alliance (SIA) have recently been developing stoves that will meet the strict emission limits five years ahead of schedule and these will be branded with the SIA Ecodesign Ready label. Speaking at Tuesday's launch, Simon Hoare, MP, said ‘the Ecodesign Ready brand will help the consumer easily choose those appliances that meet the most important emissions standards required by the Directive. The Ecodesign Ready brand is a great example of industry taking the lead to promote the benefits of more efficient and cleaner technologies and bringing them to the market. Ecodesign Ready stoves will help to cut air pollution, therefore Defra and the Minister welcome this proactive approach.’
To find out more about SIA Ecodesign Ready stoves please click here.
Will wood burning stoves be banned in the UK? Despite media scare stories, modern Ecodesign stoves are cleaner than ever, and sustainably sourced wood remains a carbon-neutral, renewable fuel. While regulations are tightening, wood burning stoves are here to stay.