We want to connect people and make the most of the great outdoors. It might be staying out late into the evening with the gentle crackle and blazing heat of your Vortex sfirepit and sound of conversations drifting merrily through the warm air. Or maybe you go nuts for good food, then the Bushman barbeques provide the perfect hosting opportunity for a group of friends. The Milano pizza ovens offer a completely different opportunity where all your guests get involved to make those mouthwatering, wood-fired, fresh dough pizzas. Are you already starting to smell, feel and taste your Earth Fire?

Being Kind to the Environment

At Earth Fires we care about our environment and we know you do too.
All our outdoor fires use wood as a sustainable and low-carbon fuel. Did you know that each tree absorbs the same amount of carbon dioxide when growing as it releases when burned1? That’s why we use wood rather than fossil fuels such as natural gas. If you source your wood locally from sustainable woodlands your appliance can be close to carbon-neutral.
The clever secondary airwash design in our Vortex firepits reduces the particulate matter when burning helping to ensure cleaner air than a traditional firepit.

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